Monday, October 28, 2013

So... that humanely raised animal diet didn't last long. Probably because I forgot about it. It still makes me sad that animals raised for human consumption are treated so poorly though.

I've been having trouble breathing when I lay down, and my legs feel like they keep dislocating. I think the breathing trouble is because the baby keeps stretching toward my lungs and ribs. She pressed so hard in to my back left rib yesterday morning that I started screaming. The girl's ran in and started yelling at my back, "Lydia, stop making mommy hurt!". (Side note - Did I mention we're naming the baby Lydia Rose? It's an interesting little story for another day.) After the girls had satisfied themselves yelling at my ribs Abigail took my face in her hands and demanded that she blow in my mouth. It was weird, but she blew at my nose and lips and grinned, "It's okay now, Mommy; I blew the baby down."

Hannah had a shadow show in Kindergarten on Friday and the Primary Program on Sunday, doing great in both.  We're all excited about Halloween. I was going to be a Minecraft Creeper, but after working on Will's Enderman mask (also Minecraft), dealing with 6 black widows near Abigail's bed , and the basement partially flooding due to clogged sewage drains, I've resigned myself to not getting my costume done for the 2nd year in a row. You'd never guess Halloween is my favorite holiday, but someday I'll be able to get my awesome ideas into fruition.

Things are going okay. I'm worried about a lot of stuff, but I'm managing all right. w00t.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

One year older and wiser too

I haven't blogged or read anyone's blogs in a while, but things have been going pretty well. We've all gotten sick at least once since fall started, but we've still been very blessed.

The kids were sick during my birthday, so we didn't do anything as planned, but it was still good.

Not much going on except I've sworn off factory raised pork, beef, and chicken for a while. I watched a short video that made me cry, and would like to stick with humanely raised animals for now. I had some tofu for dinner last night, but it wasn't prepared the way I like. However, the leftovers marinated all night in curry, and now it is delicious. My love of tofu is something Justin will probably never agree with... lol.

Now I need to ask a question. How do you guys get your picky eaters to eat fruits and vegetables? I'm currently failing dismally with both girls and need all possible suggestions.