Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What the sleeping mom heard

Okay, so that title is simply a silly reference to What the Deaf Man Heard...which actually has nothing to do with my post, but I am tired, and I'm going to leave it. lol

Today I dozed off upstairs while feeding George but woke up as the girls got home. I knew Lydia was watching Pokemon on the tablet, so I assumed the girls would be entranced by that until I finished feeding George and forced them to do homework.

They did for a while, but when our neighbor's 2nd grade twin boys knocked on the door to ask if the girls could play, Hannah did something I didn't expect.

She told them they couldn't play, because she and Abigail hadn't started their homework. She closed the door and declared to Abigail and Lydia. "Okay, you guys, it's time to turn off the tablet and do homework."

AND THEY DID! George had fallen asleep, but I was too curious to sleep at this point. So I listened. Hannah set the kitchen timer on the microwave to 5 minutes and had Abigail press start so she could do her timed math. Then Hannah picked out a book, went up to her room, and read for twenty minutes. Then, after all of her homework was complete, she politely reported to me and asked if she could play! I was so impressed with her initiative that I didn't even make her do chores.

Abigail was pretty close to being done with her homework as well, so they got to play outside with their friends for a good 2 hours.

I just had to document this. It's the first time I've ever noticed Hannah being so responsible. I hope it continues, because it was awesome!!


  1. That tells me lots, Cheryl. That tells me she was doing what you have done with her. Good, job!

  2. And the angels sing...
    That's awesome! Love you

  3. Good job! I thought maybe you might do a Halloween horror film about What the sleeping Mom heard as she wakes up to feed her baby in the middle of the night.
